Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Developed ideas.

After taking in the imput from tutors and other illustrators I created some pictures that I feel work better together and also have a stronger visual image. I do feel that the middle one doesnt fit in quite as much as it doesnt have the same levels of white and it has more tones in the paint but I feel it is enough and I don't have enough time now to fix this as I need to sort out the binding for the cover as well.

Now I have sorted out the three inside images I think I have enough of an idea of what I will do for the cover, I want to keep the style though them all however I might do abit more for the cover as it is the initial image and the most important one.

The Shooting

Looking into this screen there are three main things that came across. The lack of vision due to the sun. The Arabs laid back but uncomfortable tension, and the shooting its self. I Tried to draw out some possible thumbnail layouts of what I could use to create the image.

The ideas of layout I could not come up with easily. I know I want to hide Meursaults appearance as he is the outsider and I want to keep that mysteriousness about him. Also I wanted to put the gun in as its essential to the scene. I was also thinking about ways I could conceal or distort parts of the scenes to point out the effect of the sun on the main character.

These are more quick sketches thinking about how I could show parts of the main character but still keep him distant and mysterious. I think for this image it will probably be best to just have his back to the viewer. This will also give the viewer the perspective of Meursault of the Arab and the sun.

Quick sketch of the image to get an idea of his stance and positioning in the image.

This was my first Idea of what I wanted to do for this image. I wanted to use the sketchy shading to help communicate the idea of lack of visibility. Also simplified what else you could see down to the sun like that's all he can make out. Having his gun by his side rather than behind I did as I was considering doing it as a silhouette to add to the mysteriousness. I think now that I quite like having the shape in the figure and having long cast shadows is mysterious enough and will work better in the other drawings.

I had a tutorial on some of my work and he drew me out some ideas of what he thought could make it better. silhouette's came up and including the Arab in the picture he thought would help a great deal.

After having a tutorial on what I have done so far I thought the main thing I needed to change was the continuity of my drawings needed to be stronger as they all seemed like separate pieces. Also it was suggested that I use perhaps a colour or two colours as a tone to add more depth and interest into the drawing.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


To Start with I thought of the image being seen from the perspective of Meursault's as the
Chaplin waves the cross in his face to try to bring on a reaction. I thought if Meursault was
only shown by the back of his darkened head then it would give a inpression of a
emotionless character. I would focus the image around the cross in the middle using
the movement to create interest in it.

(Some source material used)

Here I thought about using a side perspective to show the characters reactions better,
while still focusing on the crucifix in the middle. I thought I'd give it a quick go at looking
at doing some detail but found it hard to get an idea of what it would look like. I would
need to find more source material to do this one.

I thought I closer perspective might create a stronger perspective.
Still not quite happy with the layout and unsure of the style.

idea inspired by the above for style
I'm quite happy with the look of this image and I feel it all relates back to the book as a whole as well as the scence. The hand with the crucifix relates to the scence and I thought the idea of it being shaped out of the dripping blood could relate back to the murder. What I thought could also work with this image is possible overlaying it with another image as it is very simple in tones. I'm going to work on the other images first and see if I can get some continuety with the others before I exsperiment any more on this one.  

Intial ideas

Looking into what other people have sed about the book and what Camus sed about his book personally I've decided that the parts of the story that I feel best illustrate the book are:
  • The funeral
  • The proposal
  • The Stabbing
  • The Shooting
  • Shaking of the Cross in his face
  • The courtroom with the prosseqution
I think these bits all illustrate the way in which Meursault is in the sense that he doesn't lie an outsider. I feel that these images would illustrate this theme of a outsider as well as illustrating the scences they are for. As the project asks for only three illustrations I have further more rarrowed down the chioce to:
  • The Funeral
  • The Shooting
  • The Crucifix
Although I felt that others were more powerful moments I thought it would be better to have the imagery relatively spaced out from one another to work best. When I chose first I noticed that all the scences were in the first half of the book. As I felt the shooting was the most important one as the book revolves around this scence I simply picked what I thought was the two most powerful images either side of this event.

I had a clearest idea of what the Crucifix image would look like most so I have decided to start work on that one first.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Outsider illustrations

I desided to have a look at other ideas of drawings done for the outsider to see if I could get any ideas off them which I could work into my own.

Quite obviously these images are first noticably dark. They also have a mysterious feel to themThe imagery With Meursault is usually with him turned away or with some part of him hidden.I think this helps say alot about his character so with try to include this into any imagery I do. The Colours seem mainly earthy and nature. They seem to have a rough dirty texture that I think could help my own work. I feel aesthetically The kind of blood explosion one appeals to me mostpersonally but I feel it probably doesn't communicate as much as the others. Some sort of compromise may work well.

Algerian fashion and culture

I wanted to get more of a general idea of what sort of fashions and looks people of Algeria had to give me more of an idea of what the characters would look like.

I first looked at the traditional kinds of cultural dress they had although
I will probably still more to moderner plainer clothing, to not drew to
much attention to the clothing rather than what the picture is focusing on.

More of a look at general modern culture around the slum areas at the
back of Algeria, behind the sky scrappers.

More of a look at the culture in Algiers. I'm quite interested
by the graphic look of the imagery for the battle of Algiers.

I think this will give me enough of an idea of the kind of clothing and cultural surrounding I need to create the imagery for the book now. After deciding which parts I think would be best illustrated I am going to try and do some ideas for it. 


The courtroom is a symbol for society as a whole.The law functions as the will of the people and the jury passes judgement for the community. 
The crucifixion stands as a symbol against Camus's view's on absurdity. 

These symbols may be good to include on the side in the illustrations.