Finding out it was boading the meditoraian coast helped give me some idea of what the sea would be like. Also gave a good insite into where the two cultures came from to make the gangs.
the town seems to have a mixture of both new and old buildings. The modern buildings seem to be westernised buildings where as the older ones seem to be Arabic in appearance. It might help to find out the history of how Algiers has built up over the years. There seems to to more strong contrasts in rich and poor divides. The wealthy seem very well off and the poor seem very poor. This is a generational that can offend be cast over African countries.
It started off as a outpost due to it useful location in the Mediterranean sea. This was the main reason for its progress. It was involved heavily in the war of Algeria. But that was not till after the writing of the outsider. It also got its independence from France (1962) shortly after the publication of the book. So the book was written when France was still occupying it. The Story seems to also play on this long drawn out fight Algiers has with France.